Membership fees

Fees for SARP members are:

  • PLN 15 – for 3 years from the date of being awarded a tertiary qualification in architecture;
  • PLN 25 – for working SARP members;
  • PLN 0 – for retired SARP members;

The account for payments:

Bank Millennium SA: 42 1160 2202 0000 0000 2748 2961
PKO BP SA: 29 1020 1156 0000 7402 0049 4583

Fees can also be paid at the branch office.

If the membership fee is 6 months overdue, delivery of the SARP magazine “ARCH” is suspended and a reminder notice is sent out. If the membership fee is 12 months overdue, the member’s name is removed from the SARP list of architects.

Membership fees cover the operational costs of the SARP WB office and support the Mutual Assistance Fund.